A sustainable green future for everyone


Concrete solutions for a more responsible Massane:

֍ reducing water consumption
֍ continuing to protect biodiverse spaces in cooperation with the Museum of Natural History
֍ engaging in low environmental impact construction with a Sustainable Building Certification from Occitania
֍ moving towards 100% green energy
֍ moving towards a 0% carbon footprint project
֍ promoting short circuits and permaculture on our 1.5Ha dedicated to supplying the produce for
our future restaurant.
֍ planting 1800 trees in addition to the 3000 already existing ones
֍ providing a shady and landscaped parking lot with 20 charging stations for electric cars.


 Massane is committed to developing environmentally friendly policies :

RESOURCES – Reducing waste and optimizing energy consumption is of great importance to us. Laundry and heating management are geared towards saving water and energy.
KITCHEN – Our concept of sustainability is also reflected in the way we manage our kitchen: we use regional and seasonal products from local farms and factories to offer healthy cuisine to our guests.
GOLF – The objective is the sustainable management of golf courses through construction and maintenance techniques based on respect for the environment and the responsible use of natural resources.
SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY – We offer our clients the possibility of recharging their electric car on site.